- scupit@vesselmortgage.com
- 95 Holly DriveLaPlace, LA 70068
- (504) 473-7313
Thanks for stopping by. About Vessel Mortgage...

Vessel Mortgage is about more than mortgages. It is our passion to help others and to “Serve God Through Serving Others.”
Our Purpose
“Serving God Through Serving Others”
Since our beginning, the team at Vessel Mortgage has based our business on Christian principles that have proven to also be good business principles. We keep our Purpose as our focal point because it guides us to be the best at our work.
Vessel Mortgage has the fundamental purpose to serve those to whom we have been entrusted at this important time in their life. We recognize that being invited to be part of that moment is a blessing, and we strive to give comfort and peace throughout the process with education and communication.
Our Pillars
Fortitude, Integrity, Service, and Humility
Our Culture
We at Vessel Mortgage believe that a strong culture is essential to our success. It is our goal to have a positive influence with everyone we help. We treat each person with integrity, fairness, and joy. We take our jobs seriously and want the best outcome for each loan we facilitate.
Why a Vessel?
When deciding on a name for the company, Suzanne had the idea of wanting to show how we are working through God. The term vessel is used multiple times throughout the Bible as a symbol of how we are to be an empty container for our Lord to fill and work through us.
In its most general sense, vessels are containers – cups, bowls, pitchers, or even vases used for holding liquids or other contents. It is different from an instrument or tool in that it is not used to do something, it is used to contain something.
The term vessel is also used to describe “a person regarded as having the containing capacity or function of a vessel.” According to Romans 9, “Man is a vessel.” And as we read in 2 Timothy, God desires us to “be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.” We are not meant to do things for God; we were created to contain God.
We heard the beautiful calling to be a vessel of God in our work. Alone, we aren’t able, but God is more than able. As we allow Our Lord to fill us, we fill the world’s empty spaces by using what He has given us. This is why we have chosen the vase or vessel as the symbol of our purpose and use it in our name and logo.